- XML feed format

The XML feed is made up of a single <guestbook> element, containing zero or more <gbentry> elements and a single <signlink> element. The <guestbook> element has no attributes.
The <signlink> element has an attribute "href", which contains the URL of the guest book signing page. The element body contains the text "Sign book", but this likely to become customizable.
A <gbentry> element will always contain a <gbposter> element, which contains the name of the person making that guest book entry. This element has no attributes.
A <gbentry> element may contain a <gbemail> element if the person signing the book gave their email address. It has an attribute "addr" which holds the email address. The element body contains the text/image URL you have selected to appear on your guestbook.
A <gbentry> element may contain a <gbhomepage> element if the person signing the book gave their homepage address. It has an attribute "href" which holds the URL. The element body contains the text/image URL you have selected to appear on your guestbook.
A <gbentry> element will always contain a <gbdate> element, which contains the date the entry was made. It has no attributes.
A <gbentry> element will always contain a <gbtext> element, which contains the body of the guestbook entry. It has no attributes.

For clarity, here is an example of a complete XML feed:

      <gbemail addr="someone@somewhere">Mail</gbemail>
      <gbdate>23 Mar 04 19:30:30 GMT</gbdate>
      <gbposter>Someone else</gbposter>
      <gbemail addr="someone@somewhere">Mail</gbemail>
      <gbhomepage href="http://somewhere">Web</gbhomepage>
      <gbdate>22 Mar 04 22:00:00 GMT</gbdate>
    <signlink href="">Sign book</signlink>